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We innovate, design and produce novel solutions leveraging the unique aspects of FDM 3d printing technology. 
Where most companies try to compete by making minor modifications or being slightly cheaper on popular products, we take a novel approach by focusing on niche products where existing options are found lacking or absent.
Not limited to a single theme, we invent useful products in a wide range of fields. Specialized experts can push against the known boundaries, but true innovation usually come from a combination of multiple fields of knowledge. 

We have a range of products in the development pipeline and will expand this webpage as we finalize testing and get products ready for production. 
If you see a problem in need of a solution that may include FDM 3d printing or just a variation on our existing product line, let us know. 

Ruudimental is an extension of our small family owned surveying company in Skiptvet Norway. With a broad spectrum of geomatic engineering services we have offered 3d printing of architectural models since 2015. Over the years we have made lots of useful items and we are now working on production and marketing of our most useful and unique products.
Surveying specific solutions are coming, if you are interested in our other services there is more information at www.mruud.no (in norwegian)

Here we are on top of the "skyscraper" of Mysen city.

Like any proper surveying and 3d printing company we have a mascot, a rotticorso mix lady appropriately named "Libella"


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