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TrailBuddy™ was originally developed as an upgrade hook for gaiters with elastic cords, but has proven to be useful in a wide range of applications. 
Designed to be quick and easy to use, even with thick mittens and impose minimal wear and tear of the elastic cords that traditional metal hooks will do. 

Besides being perhaps the ultimate gaiter hook, Trailbuddy is versatile and can shine wherever elastic cords are practical. From a quick tie to contain a rolled up sleeping mat, a rapid attachment of kit to a backpack or kayak to an instant clothes line to dry your stuff in camp. 

For high boots and pants without a cinch you can try the lazy ultralight gaiter trick, skip the gaiter all together and just wrap the elastic cord loop twice around the boot shaft over the pants closing with the Trailbuddy. No pesky bugs or snow coming in and secure enough for a long hike.
Quick, easy and weighs almost nothing, perfect for adventurers who have places to be and dont feel like wasting time donning equipment. 

 Extensive testing over several years have convinced us that this is a great upgrade from the common gaiter hook. A large number of TrailBuddy hooks lost their lives during testing to more than double the strength from the initial version, a sacrifice necessary to ensure it will not fail on your adventures.
Trailbuddy can take 110kg of force in +15c, and in winter time at -20c can still hold an impressive 70kg, all with a weight of only 7 grams. 
It is light enough to float in water, yet strong enough to lift a small adult.  



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